Growing up my brother and I often received books for Christmas from our Grandparents. I know right!? A kid of the 80’s wants the latest Transformers action figure, or maybe chocolate, not books! What is important to note though is that these weren’t just any books, they were books of facts, more precisely of ‘Questions and Answers’. I wonder if they knew then how important that this concept was and how much of an impact it would likely play in shaping our young lives. Or, if perhaps they were just aiming to get more educational material under our noses at an early age. Either way, I really do thank them for it and the important affect it had on our lives.

If there was just one key takeaway to be extracted from ‘Questions and Answers’ books, it is the importance of asking ‘Why?’ in the first place. Why, are things the way they are? What is the reason the world around us behaves the way it does? How do we know what we believe we know? Indeed, this process is what brings us to this article, and those that follow in this series. As with everyone I (and my fellow musketeers) am on a journey of discovery in this world, a journey that has led us to Bitcoin and down the proverbial rabbit hole. In this whirlwind of information, I’ve realized I’m learning answers to questions, that I perhaps hadn’t asked directly, but that have a profound impact on my life and the life of those around me. So, to better categorise these thoughts and perhaps offer digestible information for others seeking answers we’ve decided to lean on this tried and tested ‘Questions and Answers’ format and apply it to Bitcoin.

These articles will appear in no specific order and may well lead to additional work on your part. The goal is not to overload you with information but give just enough that perhaps it increases your confidence in answering these questions for another. Where possible additional references will be included, and suggestions added for other insightful sources (books, articles, podcasts). We hope you get enjoyment out of these questions and hope they pique your interest enough that you head off on your own journey to seek out deeper answers to new and old questions.